Creating Project Picklist Option Sets
From the project homepage, click the 'View Project Information' link in the 'Information' section. On the Picklist Option Sets tab, click the 'Add New' button. Enter the following information and click 'Save' when done.
- Name - The name field is required.
- Description - The description is optional
- Options - Enter each option, clicking the 'Add' button for each option
Project Picklists are company specific and are editable by any user of your company that has access to the project.
Editing Project Picklist Option Sets
From log view or from form view, click 'Edit'. In edit mode, edit the Name or Description fields as desired. To add additional options, enter the option text and click the 'Add' button for each option. Click 'Save' when done. Added options will be present in the project picklist that have been configured for use on the form.
Using Project Picklists
Once Project Picklists have been setup in the Project Administration area, those picklists can be used when adding custom fields to any form. For information on creating picklists, including project picklists, see Help section Custom Fields