DescriptionLearn how to share form documents to specific users or groups as well as contacts.



Viewing share access to documents

Viewing share access can be accomplished in two ways: 
  • From the form log - Each form lists all created documents in the form log. When selecting the form type from the project title bar, that form's log is displayed. In the form log, note the "Shared To" column. Selecting the "Shared With" link under the "Shared To" column will list the users and groups the document is shared with.
  • From the form document - From the form's log, click the subject link for that document. With the document in form view, note the Activity/Access section on the right side of the form. Click the "Access" tab to display a list of users and groups that have shared access to that document. 

Sharing a document to existing users on the project

Documents are records that are created within the form (e.g. Request for Information). To share documents, log into your project and go to that form's log. In an example, selecting "Request for Information" from the project title bar. In the Request for Information log under the "Subject" column, click the subject link for the document you wish to share. Click the "Share" button to open the "Share this Document" dialog. Documents can be shared in the following manner:

  • Individual Users - Under the users section, select the user(s) you wish to share the document with by checking the box next to that user's name.
  • User Groups - Under the groups section, select the group(s) you wish to share the document with by checking the box next to that group's name. Selecting this option will share the document with all users of that group including users added to that group at a future point in time.
  • Distribution Lists - In the Share modal, click the 'Apply Distribution List' button.. Select the Distribution List to apply and click 'Done'. The users associated with the Distribution List will be listed with share access. To learn more about Distribution Lists, please see Help section Distribution Lists
  • All Project Users - Under the groups section, select the "All users on project" box. Selecting this option will share the document with all users on the project including users invited to the project at a future point in time.

To complete the document sharing process, click the "Share" button. When a document is shared, those users to whom the document was shared will receive an email informing them that the document has been shared with them. Additionally, when that user logs into the system, they will see this share under their "My Page" activity as well as under the Request for Information log.

Sharing a document with a person who is not currently a user on the project

Documents can be shared to people on your project by sharing the document to their email address. To do this, click the "Share" button on the document to open the "Share this Document" dialog. After clicking on the "Share to Email" tab, enter the Email address and click "Share". If not already a user, an email will be sent to this user that contains a link for that user to sign up with which connects them to your project and shares the document with them.

Can share access be removed once a document has been shared?

Once a document has been shared, the information on that document cannot be taken away from the user or group to whom the document was shared. You can however halt user or group access to that document at any point in time so that those users or groups no longer have visibility to that document going forward. 

Halting user or group access to a document removes their ability to view or edit that document from that point forward. To halt a document, open the document and go to the "Access" tab. Select the dropdown next to the user or group you wish to halt access to and select "Halt". Note that halted users can view the document up to the point in time prior to the document being halted. To view halted documents, go to the projects home page and click on "View Halted Forms" under the "Halted Forms" section.

Removing a user or group halt from a document provides that user or group with the ability to view and edit that document from that point forward. To remove a halt, open the document and go to the "Access" tab. Select the dropdown next to the user or group you wish to unhalt and select "Unhalt".

Other options for sharing a document

Form Documents are also automatically shared by the following methods:

  • Action Item Assignment - When assigning a document action item to a project user who does not have shared access to that document, that project user is automatically assigned shared access to that document.
  • Sharing at the package level - When sharing a package that has linked child documents (e.g. Submittals to Submittal Package, Drawings to Drawing Package, Specifications to Specification Package), all documents linked to that package are automatically shared to the same users/user groups that the package was shared to.
  • Starting a Workflow - When a workflow is started on a document as steps are progressed through that workflow, users are auto-shared the document if they are the 'Send To(For Action)' or 'Also Copy(For Information) user noted in that step.



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