Field Sharing

Field Sharing


Purpose of Field Sharing

In a typical deployment of any application, not all fields on a form are pertinent to all users on your project. Projectteam.com removes the unnecessary clutter by allowing you to share fields to specific users or groups to whom that information applies. For example; on a Request for Information document that consists of the subject, question, and answer fields, you may find that sharing the subject and question fields are pertinent to your sub contractor but the answer field only applies to the general contractor and/or architect. Therefore you choose to share all fields to your architect and GC groups but only share the subject and question fields to your sub contractor group.

Process for sharing a field?

Once logged into your project, choose the form type from the project title bar. Alternatively, you can select "View Project Form Types" under the "Project Administration - Form Types" area and select the form type from there. Either method will take you to that form's log view. In the form's log view, select the "..." button on the top of the form's log and choose "Customize Form Fields". Click the "Edit" button (pencil icon) on the left side of the desired field. In the "Edit Custom Field" dialog, click the "Field Access" tab. Select the user(s) and/or group(s) you wish to share this field with and click "Save Changes". Each user that the field is shared with will receive an email notifying them that the field has been share with them.

Note: When sharing a custom field, the following sharing options and security options are available

Sharing Options

  • Individual Users - Under the users section, select the user(s) you wish to share the document with by checking the box next to that user's name.
  • User Groups - Under the groups section, select the group(s) you wish to share the document with by checking the box next to that group's name. Selecting this option will share the document with all users of that group including users added to that group at a future point in time.
  • All Project Users - Under the groups section, select the "All users on project" box. Selecting this option will share the document with all users on the project including users invited to the project at a future point in time.

Security Options

 Security Type - Set the security type to No Access, Read Only, or Read/Write for each user and/or group.
  • No Access - User/Group has no access to the field
  • Read Only - User/Group has read access to the field
  • Read/Write - User/Group has read and write access to the field

Do all fields need to be shared?

By default, all form types have a minimum set of fields called system fields The subject field for example is a system field. These system fields are available to all users and do not need to be shared. When creating custom fields however, the creator is the only one the field is shared with. If additional users on the project need access to custom fields, complete the field sharing process as describe in this section.



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