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DescriptionManage your company's information, user subscriptions, project invitations, and user project membership

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The Business Directory is a list of all names, addresses and phone numbers that your company does business with. Businesses and contacts listed in the 'Business Directory' can be added to projects. Each company listed under the Business Directory is defined by the following information.

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How is my company established on

Your company is established on through the sign up process either via invitation or by signing up at the login page of

Login Page - At the login page click the "Request a Free Trial" link. Your company is established based on your entry in the "Company" field.

Invitation - Existing companies on may invite your company to collaborate on their project. In doing so, you will receive an invitation to that project. During the process of accepting that project invitation, you will have the opportunity to sign up with and establish your company.

Viewing or editing my company's information

Administrators and standard users can view their company's general information by selecting "Community" on the main menu. In the community area under "My Company", click the "View My Company" button. Only administrators however, have the ability to edit their company's information. If you are an administrator of your company, select the "Edit" button on the general tab and make the necessary changes. When finished, click "Save" to complete the process.

Available options under My Company

If you are an administrator of your company, the following tabs will be available to you:

  • Users - Use this tab to view and manage your company's users. The following options are available:
    • Subscription Dashboard -  The subscription dashboard presents information on your company's users such as the contract end date, number of free trial users, number of paid subscriptions, and total number of subscriptions.
    • Users - Manage users within your company including adding new users. For more information on managing users, please reference help section Managing User Subscriptions.
  • Business Directory - the Business Directory is a list of all names

    Viewing the Business Directory

    To view the Business Directory for your company, navigate to 'Community' on the main navigation bar. Select 'My Company' and then click the 'Business Directory' tab. The Business Directory displays a list of all businesses, addresses and phone numbers that your company does business with

    . Businesses and contacts listed in the 'Business Directory' can be added to projects.
  • Invites - Use this tab to manage incoming and outgoing invitations. Please reference the Project Invitations section for information on managing invitations from within the project.
    • Incoming Connection Requests - Lists all projects your company has been invited to. When your company is invited to collaborate on a project with another company, you will see their invitation in this section. Select "Accept" to accept the invitation or select "Decline" to decline the project invitation.
    • Outgoing Connection Requests - Lists all project invitations you have sent to other companies. Use the "Retract" button to retract the project invitation to that company.
  • Projects - Use this tab to view a list of projects your company is associated with.
  • Adding a new user to my company

    Each user within your company must have a subscription to in order to collaborate on projects that your company is associated with. To add a new user, select "Community" on the main menu. In the community area under "My company", click the "View My company " button. Select the "Users" tab and then click the "Add New User" button. Enter the required information and any optional information for this user. When finished, click "Save" to complete the process.

    titleSubscribed User Unique Identity

    Note: Each company's unique identifier is the domain name of their user's email addresses. Each user's unique identifier is their individual email address. Therefore when adding a user to your company, you must use their unique email address.

    What happens after I add a new user to my company?

    An email is generated to the user advising them that they have been set up on The user then clicks the "CREATE YOUR PASSWORD" link to get started using the system. For more information see Help section Getting Started. The user is added to the Business Directory for your company.

    Editing information for my company's existing users

    On the main menu, select "Community". In the community area under 'My company', click the "View My company" button. Select the 'Users' tab and then click the "Edit" button next to the user's name. Edit the user's information as necessary. When finished, click "Save" to complete the process.

    Managing user project access from within my company

    User project access can be managed from the "Users" tab under 'My Company'.  On the main menu, select 'Community'. Click the "View My company" button. Select the "Users" tab and then click the desired user's name to display that user's information. Under the "PROJECT ACCESS" section, click the 'Add Projects' button and select the project(s) you want the user to be added to. Similarly, click the 'Remove' button to remove the user from existing projects.

    titleRemoving User Project Access

    When removing user project access, a courtesy prompt is presented "Are you sure you want to remove this user from this project? They will no longer have access to any project data that they currently have access to." Click 'No Never mind' to cancel the process or click 'Yes" to confirm. Note that this includes all data including shared documents.

    Business Directory

    The Business Directory is a list of all names, addresses and phone numbers that your company does business with. Businesses and contacts listed in the 'Business Directory' can be added to projects. Each company listed under the Business Directory is defined by the following information.

  • General - General Information about the business
    • Edit - Use the 'Edit' button to edit information pertaining to that business.
  • .

    Adding a business to the Business Directory

    To add a new business to the Business Directory, click the 'Add New' button. Enter the Business Name. The Business Name is a required field and must be entered in order to save the new business. Enter all other relevant information pertinent to the business and click 'Save' to save the new business.

    Editing a business in the Business Directory

    To edit an existing business in the Business Directory, click the 'Edit' button next to the business to be edited. The following describes each tab of the business. Click 'Save' when all edit have been made.

    • General - General Information about the business
      • Edit general information about the business including General Information, Business Information, Classifications, and Bonding Information.
    • Addresses - Associate one or more addresses to a business in the Business Directory. To do so, navigation to My Company - Business Directory and select a business. On the Addresses tab, click 'Add New' Enter the information for the address and click 'Save'.
      • Note that addresses added in the Business Directory are automatically added to the Project Directory for each project that business is associated with. Similarly, editing or updating an address in the Business Directory updates those changes to the Project Directory
    • Contacts - A list of contacts associated with the selected business. The contact list in the Business Directory is a contact list for that business and not to be confused with the users under a company.
      • Add New - Click the 'Add New' button to add a new contact to the Business Directory for that business.
      • Add Projects - Use the 'Add Projects' button under the PROJECTS section to associate that contact with one or more projects. This option will list projects that the contact is part of and also add that contact to the Project Directory for the selected projects. Similarly, using the 'Remove' button under PROJECTS will remove that contact project from the selected project contact and also remove that contact from the Project Directory.
      • Editing a contact's information - The following rules apply to editing a contact in the Business Directory.
        • Editing the Work Email Address - Results in error 'This contact is related to a user. Therefore, you cannot change the work email address'. To change the Work Email Address, go to the User tab under Community - My Company. Note that changing the user's Work Email Address under My Company will result is the user being kick out of the system back to the logon screen with an option for the user to logon with the changed email address. Changing the Work Email Address under My Company - Users tab will update the Business Directory and Project Directory for that user.
        • Other user related information - Updating user information other than the Work Email Address with update this same information to the Project Directory for that user.
    • Projects - As a Project Administrator, maintain a project list in your company's Business Directory.

    Helpful Screenshots

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      • Add Projects - Click the 'Add Projects' button to add one or more projects to the business. Adding projects to the business will add that business to the Project Directory for the selected projects.
      • Remove - Click the 'Remove' button to remove one or more projects from the business. Removing projects from the business also removes that business from the Project Directory for the selected projects. Additionally, any contacts associated with the business that was removed from the Project Directory are also removed from the Project Directory when the business is removed.

    Helpful Screenshots