Project Invitations

Project Invitations


Project Invitations

Whether a project is a personal project to manage your day-to-day tasks or a project that consists of various team members, companies can be invited to join your project using project invitations. Project invitations can be sent to any company within the system. Project invitations allow companies to collaborate on Projectteam.com for the purpose of sharing data rendering duplicate data entry into multiple systems a thing of the past. 

Sending a project invitation

Enter the project you would like to send an invitation for. From the project administration area, navigate to the invites section and click "View Project Invites". Click the "Send Project Invitation" button. From the send project invites window, check the box for each company you wish to invite to the project. You may also use the search field to find the company name. Verify your selections and click the "Send Project Invites" button. 

Send a project invitation directly from the Project Directory - In the Project Directory, your company may have businesses that contain people who are already users in the system as well as contacts who are simply that 'contacts' who are not users in the projectteam.com system. In either case, sending a project invitation via the Project Directory is the easiest way to quickly invite a user or a contact to the project. For more information in inviting users or contacts to the project, see Help section Project Directory

Retracting a project invitation

Enter the project you would like to retract the invitation from. From the project administration area, navigate to the invites section and click "View Project Invites". . In the outgoing connection request, you will see all sent project invitations. Click the "Retract" button next to the project invitation you would like to retract. At the "Retract?" prompt, click "Yes" to confirm.

You can also retract a project invitation from the community area. From the community area, click the "View My company" button. On the Invites tab, from within the outgoing connection request, click the "Retract" button. At the "Retract?" prompt, click "Yes" to confirm.

Taking action on a project invitation received by my company

When a project invitation is received, the company and its users have the option to either accept or decline incoming connection requests. Administrators of your company can accept any incoming project invitations. Standard users may only accept project invitations if they have been previously added to the project. 

Accepting a project invitation

To accept a project invitation go to the community area. Click the "View My company" button in the my company section. On the invites tab, from within the incoming connection requests, click the "Accept" button. The "You're Connected" confirmation will appear.

Declining a project invitation

To decline a project invitation go to the Community area. Click the "View My company" button in the my company section. On the invites tab, from within the incoming connection requests, click the "Decline" button. At the "Decline this invite?" prompt, click "Yes" to confirm.

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