Project Users

Project Users


Project Users

Project users are users who are associated with a project regardless of the company to which they belong. The project directory is composed of project users and contacts. Contacts however are non Projectteam.com users and are not considered project users.

Adding users to a project

If your company has access to a project, you can add users from your own company to those projects. Projects that you have access to are either created by a member of your company or created by a user from another company and your company has established a connection with them.

There are several ways to add a user to a project:

  1. On the project homepage click the “View Project Users” link. A list of users currently on the project will be displayed. Click the "Add Users to Project" button to display a listing of all users not currently on the project. Check the box next to the user’s name and then click "Add Users to Project".

  2. Users can be added to projects in the community area. Click “Community” on the main menu bar and then go into “My company”. Click the "Users" tab to display a list of users from your company. Select the user you want to add to a project and then under the "PROJECT ACCESS" section, click the "Add Projects" button. Check the box next to the project you want to add the user to and then click "Add Project to User".

  3. If a users is already in the system but not a user on the project, use the Project Directory to 'Invite' the user to the project. To add the user to the project by this means, go to the Project Homepage and click the 'View Project Directory' button. In the Project Directory, select the appropriate business and click the Contacts tab or just click the 'All Contacts' tab. On the left of the contact's name, click the 'Invite' button. Refresh the page and the contact will now be listed as a user on the project. The user will get an email notification to join the project. Additionally, contacts that are not in the system can be invited in this same manner by clicking the 'Invite' button. Contacts that are not already users in the system will get a notification to 'Join the Project'. Once the contact goes through the sign-up process, they will become users on the project.

Removing users from a project

If your company has access to a project, you can remove users of your own company from those projects. Projects that you have access to are either created by a member of your company or created by a user from another company and your company has established a connection with them.

There are two ways to remove a user to a project:

  1. On the project homepage click the “View Project Users” link. A list of users currently on the project will be displayed. Locate the user's name and click the "Remove From Project" button. At the "Remove?" prompt, Click "Yes" to confirm.

  2. Users can be removed from projects in the community area. Click “Community” on the main menu bar and then go into “My company”. Click the "Users" tab to display a list of users from your company. Select the user you want to remove from a project and then under the "PROJECT ACCESS" section, click the "Remove" button next to the project name. At the "Remove?" prompt, Click "Yes" to confirm. 


Removing users from a project can have negative consequences even if you add the user back to the project,  When removing a user from a project, you will be prompted to confirm -  "Are you sure you want to remove this user from this project? They will no longer have access to any project data that they currently have access to".

Can I remove a user from a project if that user is part of another company?

Once a connection has been made on a project between two companies, shared data between companies can never be taken away. For this reason, only people from your own company can remove you from a project.

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