Project Share Groups
Project Share Groups
A project share group is a group of users from your company on a specific project. Project share groups are used to quickly share data to an entire group instead of having to share the data to each user individually. For example, an company may have setup a share group called "Design Team" consisting of 4 users. They can then use that share group to share information to all users in the group at once. Users may be added to a share group at a later time and instantly have access to all of the information shared to that group. Users can also be taken out of a share group which will then take the shared information away from the user.
Where Share Groups are used in the application
Share group can be used anywhere in the application where you can share information. Examples include:
- Forms
- Fields
- Folders
- Files
- Action Items
Creating a Share Group
From the Project Homepage, under the Share Groups section, select 'View Project Share Groups'. Alternately, under the 'Information' section, select 'View Project Information' and select the 'Share Groups' tab. Click the 'Add New' button to add a new Share Group. Enter the Share Group name and description and click 'Save' to save the Share Group.
Adding Users to a Share Group
After selection the Share Group name, click the 'Add Users' button under the 'USERS IN GROUP' section. Select one ore more users of your company and click the 'Add Users to Share Group' button.
Removing Users from a Share Group
After selecting the Share Group name, under the 'USERS IN GROUP' section. click the 'Remove' button next to the user you wish to remove. You will be prompted to confirm. Select 'No Never mind' to cancel or select 'Yes' to confirm.