Maintaining the Report Tree Structure
Maintaining the Report Tree Structure
Report Tree Folders
The Report Tree is composed of four folders. These folders cannot be renamed or moved and are part of the root structure.
- My Reports - The 'My Reports' folder is specific to you. No one else can view or run the reports you create or clone to My Reports.The My Reports folder is project specific. Although you may have access to multiple projects, reports created or cloned to My Reports are only available in the My Reports folder for the project in which they are created.
Removing a user from a project removes the reports for that user from their 'My Reports' folder. Adding the user back to the project does not recover any reports that user may have had under My Reports.
- Company Reports - The 'Company Reports' folder is specific to the users of your company. Users of other companies cannot view or run reports your create or clone to this folder. The Company Reports folder is project specific. Although your company may have users in multiple projects, reports created or cloned to Company Reports are only available in the Company Reports folder for the project in which they are created.
- Project Reports - The 'Project Reports' folder is specific to the project you are logged into. All users who have access to that project can view and run reports from this folder.
- System Reports - System reports are provided for each project by default. Note the lock icon indicating that system reports cannot be modified. They can however be cloned to other report folders. To view system reports, click the arrow on the left of System Reports. Continue down the Reports Tree clicking the arrow to expand the system reports grouping until you reach your desired report. Likewise, click the arrow again to collapse the expanded reports.
Moving Reports
Excluding the System Reports folder, reports can be move by method of drag-and-drop. You must be the owner/creator of the report in order to move a report. To move a report, select the report to be moved and drag that report to the desired folder.
Helpful Screenshots
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