Contract Business Rules
- Original Contract Value - The sum of all Schedule of Values
- Approved Change Orders - The total of all approved Change Orders included in this contract
- Revised Contract Value - The Original Contract Value + Approved Change Orders
- Final - Once a contract is marked as final and the contract saved, that contract is 'Read Only' and cannot be modified through any process other than the Contract Change Order process.
Creating a Contract
To create a contract:
- Once logged into the project, from the secondary navigation bar, select CONTRACTS - CONTRACTS and click 'Add New'.
- Note that forms displayed on the secondary navigation bar are configurable. If you do not see the CONTRACTS menu, select 'More' - 'Configure My Menu'. Add the Contracts form to your secondary navigation bar. See the screen shot below.
- Enter the required fields 'Subject' & 'Contract Number'.
- Schedule of Values - The contracts form provides a 'Schedule of Values' collection that allows monetary value entries that make up your Original Contract Value. To add Schedule of Values to your contract;
- Click the 'Add Schedule of Values' button. Alternately Schedule of Values can be inserted in a particular position of the SOV collection by clicking the icon choosing 'Insert Above' or 'Insert Below'.
- Enter the Description, Value, Budget Code, and Specification Section relevant to that contract Schedule of Value item
- Click 'Add Schedule of Values'
- The Schedule of Values will be added to the collection which in sum, is the Original Contract Value
Helpful Tip
When adding multiple line items to your Schedule of Values collection, use the 'Add and New' button to quickly add multiple Schedule of Values
- Enter other relevant contract information and click 'Save'
Linking Drawings/Specifications to a Contract
Contracts may often have drawings or specifications that are relevant to that contract. After creating your drawings and/or specifications, you can link them to your contract. To do so, from within edit mode on the contract, go to the drawings tab or specifications tab on the contract and click the 'Add Drawings' and 'Add Specifications' button respectively. Select the drawing or specification to be linked to the contract and then save the contract.
Linking Contract Exhibits to a Contract
Contract exhibits can be linked to a contract. After creating a contract exhibit, link it to a contract by using the 'Other Exhibits' tab on the contract. In edit mode on the contract click the 'Add Other Exhibits' button. Select the contract exhibit to be linked and complete the process by clicking the 'Add Other Exhibits' button. Save the contract.
Contract Inclusions/Exclusions/Alternates
Contracts may specifically imply inclusions, exclusions, or alternates. Inclusions are any items specifically included in the contract. Exclusions are items specifically excluded from the contract. Alternates refer to materials, or scopes of work that add or deduct from the base value of the contract. To add inclusions, exclusions, or alternates to your contract go to the Incls, Excls, & Alts tab. In its respective section, click the 'Add Inclusions', 'Add Exclusions', or 'Add Alternates button. Alternately, rows can be inserted in a particular position of the Inclusions, Exclusions, or Alternates collections by clicking the
icon choosing 'Insert Above' or 'Insert Below'.Finalizing a Contract
Until a contract is finalized, editable data including the contract's Schedule of Values can be edited. Change Orders can also be applied to a contract and Payment Applications can be produced from the contract. Once a contract is finalized by checking the 'Final' box on the general tab and saving the contract, that contract can no longer be edited. Changing the contract value on a finalized contract can only be done through the process of adding a Change Order to the contract.
To finalize a contract, click the 'Edit' button in form view or log view. In edit mode, check the 'Final' box and save the contract. When checking the 'Final' box you will be prompted "Are you sure you want to mark this Contract as "Final"? Once final, users will no longer be able to edit this form. Any changes made to this contract must be done through Change Orders.". Select 'No Never mind' to cancel or click 'Yes' to confirm. You can still click 'Cancel' on the contract to cancel the process. Clicking 'Save' on the contract will proceed to lock the contract to view mode only.
Contract Changes
Changing the value of a contract is typically done through the process of creating and approving Change Orders. For more information on creating and approving a contract change order, please see the Help section on Change Orders . Once a change order has been approved for the contract, that change order will be referenced on the Change Orders tab of the contract. Additionally, the value of the 'Approved Change Orders' on the general tab of the contract will reflect the value of the linked change order.
Changes aside of the Change Order process can be made directly to the Schedule of Values. Once a Contract has been finalized however, changes can no longer be made to the Contract Schedule of Values and a Change Order is the only way to change the value of a Contract.
Editing a Contract
- General Information - To edit a contract, click the 'Edit' button from either the contract form view or log view. Edit as desired and click 'Save' to save changes.
- Schedule of Values - The Contract Schedule of Values can be edited up to the point where the contract has been finalized.
- Edit exiting Schedule of Values - In Contract Edit mode, click the Cog drop down selecting 'Edit' for the line item to be edited in the Schedule of Values collection.
- The following values can be edited:
- Description
- Value
- Budget Code
- Spec Section
- Click the 'Update Schedule of Values' button
- The following values can be edited:
- Adding Schedule of Values - Click the Add Schedule of Values button. Enter the Description, Value, and Spec Section (if required)
- Removing Schedule of Values - Click the 'Remove' button (Trash Can) next to the Schedule of Value item that is to be removed.
Important Note:
When creating the first Payment Application for the Contract, the Schedule of Values collection is carried over into the Payment Application. Changing the Schedule of Values on the Contract after the first Payment Application has been created does not update the Item Breakdown of the Payment Applications associated with the Contract.
Viewing a Contact
Contracts can either be viewed in form view or the log view. To view contracts in log view, ensure that you have configured your menu to display the Contracts form. See the screen shot below. Selecting 'CONTRACTS' will display a list of all contracts that you have access to in the log view. If you do not see the contract that you are expecting to see, please contact your company's administrator with a request to share the contract to you. For more information on sharing, please see the Help section Form Document Sharing
Helpful Tip
Does the contract form not have the fields you need to compose a contract based on your company's needs? You can easily configure the contract form by adding additional fields as needed. To do so, simply go to the Contracts Log and click the '...Customize Form Fields' option to add and configure additional fields. For more information on adding custom fields, see the Help section Custom Fields
Contract Attachments
Do you have contract attachments that need to be part of the contract? Contract Attachments can be directly linked to a contract in form view by selecting 'Upload' on the Attachments panel of the contract.
Sharing a Contract
To share a Contract form to other project users, click the 'Share' button on the Contract in form view. Use the Share modal to share the Contract to other project team users. For more information on sharing, please see the Help section Sharing Information
Helpful Screenshots